More flexibility with in-house painting
The new paint shop in Jänkendorf is scheduled to go into operation at the beginning of the new year. In addition to the location in Massing, we also offer attractive partial or complete paintwork in Jänkendorf.
With in-house painting, complex repairs and preparations can then be carried out more flexibly, faster and more economically. Be it used equipment repair orders directly from the customer, or from partners such as as part of the Haulotte “Second Life” offers.
To do this, attachments are dismantled, damage repaired and, if necessary, we have them sandblasted. By painting, we increase the value and service life of worn or damaged work platforms.
Rothlehner usually offers three possible quality levels for the sale of used equipment:
A: Technically and visually revised, partially repainted
B: Technically revised with optical concessions
C: Functional, ready to use
In response to frequent customer requests, used devices with high quality technology and optics are preferred.
A large part of the added value at Lift-Manager is accounted for every year in the area of used equipment repairs.

Before-After Comparison: